Kevin Hart's "I'm a Grown Little Man"?!?!? Hilarious! That dude is just funny to me anyway! I thought Soul Plane was funny but really he had some quality material...he didn't overdo the sex jokes nor was he overdoing the vulgar language! Good ish! Made me giggle!
NOOOOWWWW, I just started reading Steve Harvey's book and I don't know what to say yet...a lotta obvious stuff...then again I'm one of few females in a fairly large family so maybe this is news to some chicks...and the book I'm referring to is "Think Like a Man...Act Like a Lady". My bestfriend looked at the cover and went on a feminist trip...long story...whatever
I ALSO just bought Twilight...yea the first one! I loved the movie and I hear the book is better. I'm not really a fan of the whole fantasy/(something) genres but whatever I'll give it a go! It better be wonderful cause Twilight fans go HARD!
I should have bought Asleep in The Bread Aisle the week it came out! IT was 9.99 at Target now it's 13.99! WTF?!?!? lol its whatever I guess...I'll buy it sooner or later.
My brother got me my pink G-Shock 4 my bday...yiiipppeeee! Its retarded big...and what?! lol My mom got me a pair of J's! lol I think it's hilarious!
AYE peeop this! SOOO like I said I love movies! SO we all know that I HAD to go see Wolverine movie for my Bday...SOMEONE tell me why my cousins brought liquor into the show?!?!? Type of madness is that!? C'mon now! Highly upset! They were getting on my LAST nerves!
AYYYYYEEE THe soundtrack to Slumdog Millionaire is RIDICULOUS! LIKE FA REAL!!! Think Imma go head and make that happen!
I have like 500 other things to say but Imma hold up and wait a minute!!! I'm lazy wit the blogging...I was gonna add pics and I didn't oh well...maybe later...
ALright I shoulda been sleep! Goodnight beautifuls!!!
Love Britt