IM BAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! Yea I haven't REALLY posted anything since Apr last post was just for my communications class....which is y the title is "Blogging in class again". I promised myself not to blog, open a new book, buy a cd, go to a movie or open a twitter accoun tuntil I finishe my finals!! WELL HERE I AM! And I didnt do any of those things in my short hiatus! PEEP GAME...
ITS MY BIRTHDAY ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!...Im trying to think of a clever prolly wont be so clever but EFF IT CAUSE...ITS MY BIRTHDAY ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! lol Yea I turn 20 today...woooooow twenty gives me an odd feeling I must admit...
Yes so Im outta school for the summer havent decided whether or not Im taking summer classes but whatever I will be posting much more often from now on...prolly everyday.
What am I doing for my bday?!?! Prolly not too much of anythingI have a lot of stuff to do...we're in the process of moving and I have a car FULL of stuff that I just brought back from school sooooo...I think Imma go head and cop a one of course.
Imma make a more sentimental blog about my experience here on this fine earth in a blog soon to come. Its late right now andI dont feel like opening that quadrant of my brain.
This blog is allll outta order! lol Im literally typing in whatever order this stuff comes to my brainiac.
I will def. be with the fam tomorrow...prolly kick it hard with some friends next weekend...But hey peep my big brother's facebook stat!
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